Pool Liner Replacement at Freight House Outdoor Pool

Moved by Councillor Santos,

WHEREAS City of Winnipeg Municipal Accommodations Department Division advised that during its spring inspection of Freight House Outdoor Pool, located at 200 Isabel Street, Winnipeg, has revealed a tear in the liner due to age and brittle condition;

AND WHEREAS the estimated replacement cost of the Freight House outdoor pool liner is approximately $105,000.00;

AND WHEREAS Municipals Accommodations’ available capital budget is earmarked for high priority health, life safety and emergency systems purposes;

AND WHEREAS Municipal Accommodations indicates a new pool liner has a service life of approximately 10 years;

AND WHEREAS it is important to identify a funding source to ensure this highly needed facility is able to continue to serve the Centennial Neighbourhood which has been identified as a High Needs Area (attached map);

AND WHEREAS the operations of the Spray Pad will not be impacted by any potential pool maintenance closure;

AND WHEREAS Council approved a Community Centre Renovation Grant Program (CCRGP) to support repairs, upgrades, retrofits, safety improvements and renovation projects at City of Winnipeg Community Centre facilities;

AND WHEREAS there is $1,014,423 of unawarded CCRGP funds from previous years budgets (2018 unspent $152,681.00 and 2019 unspent $861,742.00);

AND WHEREAS eligible projects for CCRGP include renovations/repairs/upgrades to community centre facility areas that receive operating funds through the Universal Funding Formula (UFF), revenue-generating spaces (i.e. indoor arenas, ice plants, fieldhouses, and soccer complexes) and all associated infrastructure, together with permanent outdoor hockey pens and associated infrastructure;

AND WHEREAS the Freight House Outdoor Pool is City-owned, non-Community Centre facility/amenity, and as such it is not currently eligible for CCRGP funding.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks recommend to the Executive Policy Committee and Council:

1. That a new capital budget for the replacement of the Freight House Outdoor Pool Liner in the 2020 Capital Budget in the amount of $105,000.00 be approved and funded by reallocating $105,000.00 from the un-awarded 2018 Community Centre Renovation Grant Program budget.

2. The Proper Officers of the City be authorized to do all things necessary to fulfill the intent of the foregoing.
